Monday Morning Minute ~ Trust

Monday Morning Minute

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
(Proverbs 3:5 ESV)

Do we trust God only when life is good? Or can we trust Him every day, even when life is not so sunny? I go for the later! God never promised us that life, as a Believer of the Way, would be easy (see John 16:33 ).

This past week I encountered more challenges at work. I had to make a decision: either getting frustrated and giving up, or I could put my trust in the Lord. I made my choice to trust in the Lord. And I pray and hope that I, with the help of the Lord, will make a difference in other people’s lives.

You see, it is easy to just give up; throw in the towel so do speak. But then, how can we show others what we are made off and WHO we trust. My sweet friend, I hope that you will not give up and do good as the Lord commended us in Galatians 6:9 (ESV).

Lord, I am trusting You that You will work everything for the good who love You. Lord, I love and trust You with all my heart. I some times do not understand Your ways, but I know that You have my best interest in mind. May I let Your light shine in my life. In the precious name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Photo Copyright © Iris Nelson