12 Replies to “Psalm 119:105”

  1. Oh, how His Word gives us enough light to take the next step, then the next. We can’t see far down the path,but far enough…Good reminder to be in the Word daily, so that we can have light for that day, and maybe sometimes we need to be in more than once. Blessings on your day Iris.

  2. A Lamp onto my feet… I so see my precious Jesus as speckles of light reflecting off my toes,,, guiding me….carrying me….
    that is He..filled with love…
    And the brilliant colors illuminating around my life

    thank you

  3. it’s lovely Iris! I am stuck on this verse you know! I want to do it in a WFW as well and can’t seem to find the right pic yet! yours is beautiful! Happy WFW!

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